Couples Counseling & EMDR in Cincinnati

Helping you create the life you have always wanted

Therapy Services in person in Cincinnati and online for Ohio and Indiana residents

Do any of these resonate with you?

  • You feel lonely
  • You feel frustrated, which you normally try to shove down, but it’s getting more difficult to do
  • Control is your favorite word. Except when you don’t have it
  • Feeling guilty is second nature. There is always something you could be doing better
  • For whatever reason, you feel like you just can’t get it right
  • You feel far away from people you want to know you, and you wish you could be closer to your partner
  • You have noticed the spark is gone from your relationship
  • Your confidence is at an all-time low
  • Your mind is working overtime, leaving you exhausted
  • You wish you could just switch it all off and unplug from what’s happening
If these sound like you, I can help! I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and bombarded by people around you or even inside your own head. Here are a few ways I can be helpful to you: 

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

I love using EMDR to help people break people pleasing habits and negative narratives to live more genuinely and lovingly. 

Couples Counseling

I use Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a heavily researched form of couples therapy, to help couples create a better connection and communicate better with one another. 

Christian Counseling

If your faith is a big part of your life, I’d love to provide counseling through that lens for you. If not, no sweat, we can work together in the way you are most comfortable. 

Repair your relationships. Create authentic connection. 

I can help you: 

  • Feel more connected to your partner, like you are truly being seen and have a stronger bond
  • Confidently make decisions, hold boundaries, and hold space for yourself
  • Feel less anxious and experience more peace
  • Be seen and known wholly in your relationships
  • Feel like you can be yourself (or figure out who that is) without having to edit or filter
  • Have better relationships with the people who matter most

"Nature has wired us for connection." -- Sue Johnson

How to Get Started

Set up initial call & chat with therapist

A 15 minute phone call to help you determine if counseling with me is a good financial and emotional investment before spending a dime

Schedule first appointment

Once we have chatted and believe we could work well together, we will schedule a first appointment where we'll gather more information about what is going on to really address the problem thoroughly

Attend weekly/biweekly therapy sessions

Begin working on creating the relationship you have always wanted